After inviting celebrities like Varun Dhawan, Sunny Leone, Ranveer Singh and Parineeti Chopra on her famous chat show No Filter Neha, this time Neha managed to get Karan Johar. On the show, Karan spoke about his world, that is, his babies, Roohi and Yash, and his ugly spat with Kajol and how he regrets bringing it up on a public platform. And that the fight was something he should have kept to himself.
The fallout happened when Ajay Devgn’s Shivaay and Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil clashed at the box office. While Kajol preferred a dignified silence, Karan discussed the episode publically.
Also Read: Rishi Kapoor exposes how young actors maintain their perfect public image on NoFilterNeha
On #NoFilterNeha, while talking about how much he loves Kajol and how he hopes there is a 2.0 version of their friendship, Karan said:
When I look back, I’m like, maybe it was something that I should have kept to myself. I think there are certain relationships that are so sacred that when you hurt from them or you hold on to that pain, you keep a lot of those feelings to yourself and leave it to one on one discussions. I’ve probably made the mistake of going public and that is something that is out there, it’s archived and I can never take that away, and those feelings are what I did feel but maybe it should have been one on one. But both of us want that we can get back to where we were. I have too much love for her and we hope there is a 2.0 version of this friendship.
Recently, Karan and Kajol became social media buddies thanks to Yash and Rohi, who acted as an ice-breaker for the old friends. Reminiscing the time when he messaged Kajol after welcoming his twins, Karan said:
When the babies were born, I sent a message to Kajol first. I sent her a message saying that you don’t have to reply to this message but I really don’t want you to be seeing these babies in a newspaper or online. I want you to see what they look like and you don’t need to reply but I woke up with a dream and I woke up with a heavy heart and I just felt the need to send you the images of my children. And she replied instantly saying they look gorgeous and I hope they give you all the love that my children have given me.
Also Read: How Chunky Pandey came to Sunny Leone’s rescue and 5 other revelations she made on No Filter Neha
Talking about Yash and Roohi’s debut appearance, Karan said he and Kareena have it figured out and it will be Taimur’s first birthday. Here’s what he said:
Kareena and I have decided it’s Taimur’s birthday party. He is two months older than them. Taimur was born in December. So his birthday party is where Yash and Roohi will make their debut appearance. Watch out Instagram! Because these three cuties are going to break the internet. I can’t wait for that photograph.
R grand finale for #NoFilterNehaSeason2 will leave you in stitches. Check out the born storyteller @karanjohar now
— Neha Dhupia (@NehaDhupia) October 10, 2017
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