Karina Kaif, who was last seen along with Salman Khan in Kabir Khan directorial Ek Tha Tiger shared a picture with the Sultan actor as the film completes five years of its release. To mark the event she took to Instagram and posted a still from the film. She captioned the picture, “mashallah #tigerzindahai #5yearsofekthatiger.”
Katrina Kaif-starrer Ek Tha Tiger hit the screens on August 15, 2012. The film narrated the love story of an Indian spy named Tiger played by Salman Khan and a Pakistani spy played by Katrina Kaif and fetched a great response at the Box Office. Produced by Aditya Chopra of Yash Raj Films, Ek Tha Tiger also featured Ranvir Shorey, Girish Karnad, Roshan Seth and Gavie Chahal in supporting roles.
Also Read: Fighting terrorism and more: Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s Tiger Zinda Hai is going to be bigger
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After the success of Ek Tha Tiger, the hugely popular pair is back again with the films’ sequel Tiger Zinda Hai. Currently, they are busy shooting for the film. As they make their comeback on the silver screen after a gap of five years, their fans have been eagerly awaiting to see them in the same frame again.
Reportedly, the film will see Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif performing some high-octane action sequences. Recently, several pictures of the Jagga Jasoos actress shooting for the action scenes surfaced on the internet and went viral with her fans excited for the upcoming flick.
This is not the first time Salman and Katrina will be seen sharing the screen space together, they have earlier collaborated in films including Yuvvraaj and Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya.
Also Read: From Kick to Ek Tha Tiger, Salman Khan definitely has a thing for fancy bicycles
Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, Tiger Zinda Hai is slated to release on December 22, 2017.
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