Radhika Apte, in a recent interview said that she knows a lot of men in the industry who have experienced sexual harassment. During the #MeToo campaign, Radhika was vocal about her support for women and men who have faced sexual harassment. Whenever there is talk of sexual harassment, people invariably think that it’s the women who are the victims. And there is immense need to change that mindset.
As per the Indian Express report, talking about sexual harassment, Radhika told PTI, ” I am specifically talking about the industry, I know a lot of men who have gone through this as well. It’s high time this comes out.”
Last month, Irrfan Khan spoke about sexual harassment he has faced in the film industry as a newcomer. He said that now that he is established it doesn’t happen anymore. Radhika Apte’s statement only adds to the ongoing conversation about abuse of power.
Radhika Apte further adds, “People who exploit their power and abuse others need to be revealed. On the other hand, people are ambitious and are ready to do what is required. It needs to work from both the sides. ” She also said that people need to learn to say no and also recognise when they are being exploited.
The actress also spoke about the fear about coming out and sharing incidents when they were sexually abused. She said, ” The fear also comes from ‘Who is going to believe me? The other person has so much power, my complain will go unnoticed, that’ll ruin my career’. She told PTI that this is the general perception which would change only when people talk about their experiences openly.
In context with Hollywood where celebrities like Natalie Portman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jon Bernthal, Anthony Rapp, Ashley Judd, Angelina Jolie named their sexual harassers, and big names like Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Louis CK emerged, Bollywood stars have largely maintained silence on such issues.
With regard to this, Radhika said, “The fear is there because we still have this culture where Bollywood is considered to be this inaccessible magical place. But it’s not, it’s a workplace.” She spoke about the importance of introducing work ethics and also that people need to come out and talk about their harassers.
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