Actor Sushant Singh Rajput says he is unperturbed by what’s written in the media about his personal life as he understands the game of sensationalism. When Sushant was in a relationship with his ‘Pavitra Rishta’ co-star Ankita Lokhande, their romance and break-up made headlines. Then ever since he started work on “Raabta”, reports of his alleged closeness to co-star Kriti Sanon surfaced. There also has been stories about his temper issues.
“It was annoying when nobody used to write anything about me. So, I’ve definitely improved in a way that now people are writing about me,” Sushant told PTI.
“These stories could be more interesting. They tend to get repetitive, not only with regards to Kriti, my other relationships, but also other stuff – that fans tried to meet me and something happened. These are very old stories.” Sushant insists he understands that talking about an actor’s personal life is a part and parcel of the profession but what surprises him are the recent stories about him going on a coffee date with ex-girlfriend Ankita and his car ride with Kriti.
“These are like bizarre stories. I know that since everything is being discussed all the time, it is difficult to sell news that’s not sensational. So, I am with them (media) on this. I am not worried what you (media) write about me because three days later nobody remembers,” he says.
“But if you’re investing time in writing about it and if I am taking out the time to read it, at least make it more interesting,” he says.
Recently, when asked to comment on Kulbhushan Jadhav, a former Indian naval officer who has been sentenced to death in Pakistan on charges of spying, the actor had said he was not “well informed” to speak on an issue of national interest.
Talking further about the incident, the actor says, “If you ask me in front of everybody ‘what do you think about a certain case’? It’s very easy for me to go by the popular opinion and save myself.
“I am here, exposing myself, telling you that I don’t know much about it, but I will get informed and then I’ll give you my opinion. Won’t you respect me more if the next time I give you my opinion when you know that he knows the fact now and then he has formed an opinion,” the actor says.
Ask him why suddenly there are a barrage of negative stories surrounding him, Sushant says much of it stems from an already existing biased perception.
“There is a middle-class boy from Delhi, who decides to drop out and come to Mumbai. He lives with 6-7 guys in a single room, does theatre, dances in the background, becomes popular on TV but decides to quit and people say, don’t do it because only Shah Rukh Khan has made it big in films.
“Suddenly this boy makes it to the films, and when people think he may not continue doing well, he does ‘Dhoni’ which does (Rs) 100 crore (business).” Sushant’s new film “Raabta” will hit screens on June 9.
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