Aamir Khan’s upcoming film Thugs of Hindostan is once again in the news. Earlier there were rumors that the lead actress of the film has been finalized and it is none other than the beautiful Kriti Sanon. But now the makers have confirmed that they are yet to decide the leading lady for the film.
In an interview with PTI, a source close to the film told that Kriti has not been approached for the movie and these are just false and baseless news. He said:
We don’t know where this is coming from. We haven’t zeroed down on anybody. We have not locked anybody. We are still thinking who will fit the role best. We want to cast the right actress, we are not concerned about young or old. We want to cast the right girl for the role.
In fact, before Kriti, Vaani Kapoor’s name also came up as the lead actress for the film. But so far nothing has been confirmed regarding the same.
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Set in the backdrop of pre-independence era, Thugs of Hindostan is about a group of thugs at the time of British India. The film is based on the novel Confessions of a Thug by Philip Meadows Taylor and is set to release at the time of Diwali 2018.
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It will be for the first time that Big B and Aamir will star together in a film and seeing them both sharing the screen will be nothing less than magical. And it will be interesting to see that if not Kriti Sanon, then who will be romancing Aamir in the film.
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