Kamaal Rashid Khan, more popular as KRK, has revealed that his mother wanted to poison him once upon a time. On Mother’s Day, KRK posted a series of tweets in which he mentioned how his love for cinema irked his mother. Buth KRK added that with time things have changed and now his mother is proud of him. The self-proclaimed critic also said that he was the most notorious one among his siblings.
The Ek Villain actor highlighted how things were in his childhood wherein his father only wanted him to do farming. KRK added that by choosing to farm and agreeing to marry a cousin, he would have been the perfect son for his father. However, KRK refused to stay within the set rules and decided to study. The actor revealed he used to bunk classes to watch movies and face the ire of his parents later.
KRK said he didn’t blame his parents for asking him to fo farming and get married early because this is what the norm was in villages. He added that things aren’t quite different these days as children are still forced to work rather than complete their education.
Here are the tweets posted by KRK on Mother’s Day:
Wish you very happy #MothersDay Mom! Once upon a time, you wanted to give poison but today you are proud of me. pic.twitter.com/d3NRYfp6oh
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 14, 2017
My mother was angry with me for watching films so she thought dat I will destroy the reputation of family hence she wanted to give me poison
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 14, 2017
According my parents I was worst child of them out of 6 coz I was going to school instead of doing farming n watching films with my friends.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 14, 2017
My brothers were good for my parents coz they never asked to go to school, got married at the age of 12 n became good farmers like father.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 14, 2017
I could hav been best son of my mother if I didn’t go to school but got married with my cousin sister at the age of 15 n becom a good farmer
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 14, 2017
My grandfather did send me to school who loved me too much n my father thought that he was spoiling my life. https://t.co/eZGGAPOzBn
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 14, 2017
My teachers n colleagues can never forget me because I was always the topper in my class, school n college. And today my children are same.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 14, 2017
Still thousands of villages r in India where ppl ask their children 2do farming instead to go to school coz there is no electricity n roads.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 14, 2017
KLDAV college Roorkee was my last den before to run away to Bombay with dreams to become a super star n finally today KRK is the super star.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 14, 2017
Also read: KRK crosses all his limits, calls Virat Kohli a ‘MONKEY’, the reason will leave you fuming in anger!
As serious as KRK’s tweets sound serious, Twitter users did not leave this chance to rip him to shreds. Few tweeted that his mother should have actually given him poison while others said KRK was nothing but a disgrace to her. Check out the few reactions on his tweets here:
@kamaalrkhan She missed it
She could have been ‘mother of the nation’ for saving us from you— Badass (@Divyam1995) May 14, 2017
@kamaalrkhan Aaj bhi time hai poison kha ke mar sakta hai… Apni ma ki ichchha ko puri kar
— Aaditya(@LRASPD) May 14, 2017
@kamaalrkhan Hats off to the mother who is proud of a son like you who keeps humiliating her on twitter every time…
— Muhammad Asif Memon (@MuhammadAsifMe1) May 14, 2017
@kamaalrkhan Alas!! Why She missed this golden chance..
— Rupika Kaushal Pabbi (@RupikaSharma6) May 14, 2017
A look at the responses to KRK’s tweets and it would not be wrong to say that Twitter is definitely a rude place to be. Now, KRK has an impression of talking ill on his Twitter timeline, but this time he brought to light the problems in villages of India. And he was doing the right thing by tweeting about it.
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