Ever since writer and producer Vinta Nanda accused veteran actor Alok Nath of alleged sexual assault, several have come out in her support. Actor Sandhya Mridul and a crew member on the sets of Hum Saath Saath Hain also claimed that Nath had been inappropriate with them.
On Tuesday, actor Deepika Amin took to social media to share her own #MeToo account, detailing how during a shoot, Nath allegedly tried to barge into her room. She wrote in a Facebook post, “Everyone in the industry knows that Alok Nath is an obnoxious drunkard who harasses women. Years ago, on a telefilm outdoor shoot, he tried to barge into my room. He slobbered over women, drunk, and created a scene. The unit rallied around me and made sure I was safe. I was quite young but I still remember vividly how horrible he was.”
Everyone in the industry knows that #AlokNath is an obnoxious drunkard who harasses women. Years ago on a telefilm outdoor shoot he tried to barge into my room. He slobbered over women, drunk and created a scene. The unit rallied around me and made sure I was safe. #metoo
— Deepika Amin (@amindeepika) October 10, 2018
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Amin added, “But recently on the shoot of Sonu Ke Titu ki Sweety, he was quiet and subdued. Maybe he has changed? Maybe because the director Luv Ranjan made it clear he wouldn’t tolerate bad behaviour. But after reading Vinta Nanda’s heartbreaking account, I felt I had to support her. BELIEVE WOMEN. They have everything to lose by speaking out. #IbelieveyouVintaNanda #metoo #Timesup”
Speaking to Firstpost, Amin said, “He is educated, he talks about film and theatre. During the daytime, he is a thorough gentleman. After a few drinks go down, he would turn into a monster.” She added that Nath’s behaviour was an “open secret” that male actors would often discuss and requested some of these actors to come forward and corroborate the victims’ accounts.
Earlier, Sandhya Mridul had also claimed that during filming a TV serial, Nath would repeatedly come to her hotel room and try to enter. Once he even lunged at her, pushing his way in. A crew member on the sets of Hum Saath Saath Hain had claimed that he stripped in front of her and even grabbed her when she’d gone to give him a change of clothes for his next scene.
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The can of worms opened after Vinta Nanda accused Bollywood’s “most sanskari” actor of allegedly raping her in a drunken state while they worked on the TV show Tara. She later identified her assailant as Nath. However, his lawyer, while speaking to ANI, denied the allegations completely:
Easy to make allegations of an incident alleged to have taken place 19 yrs back. This shows the entire allegations are false. I believe of this has been done to defame his reputation: Ashok Saraogi, lawyer of #AlokNath on rape allegations by writer-producer Vinta Nanda #MeToo pic.twitter.com/ShpClJUuYW
— ANI (@ANI) October 10, 2018
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