Jewellery designer Farah Khan Ali took to Twitter to talk about her opinion on Babri Masjid demolition, which happened 25 years ago on December 6, 1992. Targeting senior BJP leader, Lal Krishna Advani, Ali said he fanned the flames of communalism in India through his march in 1990. Farah implied in a series of tweets, that when you ‘do no good, no good happens to you’ – a jibe at LK Advani’s failed aspirations of becoming the next PM of India.
LK Advani led a Ram Rath Yatra across the country that ended in Ayodhya with the demolition of the masjid in 1992. The procession started on September 25, 1990 from Somnath and passed through several towns and villages. As the rath yatra, moved closer to Ayodhya, the violence grew with it. The procession led to subsequent rioting in many parts of North India, leading to loss of lives.
Slamming LK Advani for his involvement in the entire incident, Farah Khan Ali tweeted this:
LK Advani the man who ignited & fanned the flames of divided India with his march towards Ayodhya & the subsequent demolition of the Babri Masjid who dreamed of becoming PM of India is nothing but an old man with broken dreams.When you do no good, no good happens to u. #badKarma
— Farah Khan (@FarahKhanAli) December 5, 2017
What one sows one shall reap. Make no mistake of that for heaven is here and so is hell. U can fool people but you cannot fool the Universe. It sees all and knows all. GN.
— Farah Khan (@FarahKhanAli) December 5, 2017
Only they know that answer for when the Universe wants to harm you, it harms the things & people you love most.
— Farah Khan (@FarahKhanAli) December 5, 2017
Joh udta hain woh aakhir mein zameen pe aa girta hain. Jai Hind! Shubh raatri
— Farah Khan (@FarahKhanAli) December 5, 2017
He “melted Hindu idols he received to make them into silver utensils” as stated by his former daughter in law. LK Advani sowed the seeds of religious discord & hatred for power yet did not believe in Hindutva himself. An Irony! Do read !
— Farah Khan (@FarahKhanAli) December 6, 2017
Farah’s tweets got her hatred from many users of the platform. Most of the tweets against Farah spewed hatred against her religion. Have a look:
U forget he was the Home minister,deputy PM , Leader of Opp for 10 long years. Very few can boast of that resume. Besides he willingly stepped aside for Vajpayee. So your analysis is both wrong & juvenile unfortunately! Politics is not your sphere!
— Rajiv Wadehra (@WadehraRajiv) December 5, 2017
U forget he was the Home minister,deputy PM , Leader of Opp for 10 long years. Very few can boast of that resume. Besides he willingly stepped aside for Vajpayee. So your analysis is both wrong & juvenile unfortunately! Politics is not your sphere!
— Rajiv Wadehra (@WadehraRajiv) December 5, 2017
Subscribe to better media . Ur information sounds too biased and half read.
— Shveta Mashiwal (@ShveMash) December 6, 2017
— Dewang verma (@DevangVarma) December 6, 2017
अपने कर्मों में भी खोट ढूंढ़िए, बहुत मिलेंगे, ज़्यादातर कौम जाहिल है, पंचर लगाती सड़कों पर पड़ी है, बाकी जिहाद के नाम पे मर-मार रही है.#badkarma
— dearsir (@dearsir) December 6, 2017
Also read: ‘End to Advani’s presidential dreams?’ Twitter reacts to SC judgement in Babri Masjid case
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