After releasing the intriguing first look poster of Farhan Akhtar’s upcoming film Lucknow Central, the makers have unveiled the trailer on Thursday, July 27. The film, produced by Nikkhil Advani and directed by Ranjit Tiwari, is set in the backdrop of jail. In over 2 minutes and 37 seconds video, Farhan introduced us to his character Kishan Mohan Girhotra, who belongs to Moradabad, a city in Uttar Pradesh. The film features Farhan in an unusual tale of freedom and music, as it shows the ambition of boy who wants to be a singer but unfortunately, gets accused of a murder and lands in the jail.
Farhan, who wanted to form a band, gets an opportunity to do so in the jail, but the actor choose to use that plan to run away from the jail. Apart from Farhan, the one who once again managed to shine in the trailer is none other than Tanu Weds Manu fame Deepak Dobriyal. He will be seen essaying the role of a prisoner but what grabbed our eye balls was his question. While Farhan wants to dream big, Deepak’s only concern is “Bhagenge Kese?”
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Also featuring Ronit Roy, Ravi Kissen, Diana Penty and Gippy Grewal in pivotal roles, Lucknow Central narrates the story of how Kishen’s (Farhan Akhtar) life progresses in jail and how music becomes an important part of his journey.
Lucknow Central is slated to hit the silver screen on September 15.
On the work front, Farhan Akhtar was last seen in Rock On 2, which also featured Shraddha Kapoor, Arjun Rampal, Prachi Desai, Purab Kohli and Shashank Arora in pivotal roles. A sequel to 2008 released, the film didn’t do well at the Box Office.
Also Read: After chirpy roles, Diana Penty to play NGO worker in Lucknow Central
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