Recently, Akshay Kumar tweeted the poster of his forthcoming film, Padman, and wrote ‘Mad only become famous’.
Check out his tweet here:
#PadManTalks : Mad only become famous!@PadManTheFilm @sonamakapoor @radhika_apte @mrsfunnybones @SonyPicsIndia @kriarj #RBalki
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 4, 2017
Grammar nazis may squirm at the sentence construction, but Khiladi Kumar probably doesn’t care. To quote Mr Kumar, “Mad only become famous!”
R Balki’s directorial, Padman, starring Akshay Kumar, is set to hit the screens on January 26, 2018. Akshay plays the role of Arunachalam Muruganatham, who with his unbending dedication, took the initiative to provide affordable sanitary napkins for women in his village and other rural areas. Padman captures the inspiring story of Muruganatham and how he braved all odds to become the solution provider.
The film, which deals with menstrual hygiene and the taboos around it, has already generated a lot of buzz, and the new poster of Padman just adds to it.
A few days ago, the real Padman tweeted how happy he was that Akshay Kumar was willing to talk menstrual hygiene in his next. Here is what he tweeted:
@akshaykumar ji is the first super star in the world to talk about menstrual hygiene and taboos surround it. I’m happy that he is portraying my story as #Padman @mrsfunnybones @sonamakapoor @PadManTheFilm
— A Muruganantham (@murugaofficial) December 3, 2017
And Akshay Kumar’s reply to it:
I’m more than glad to portray the reel #Padman and bring your amazingly inspiring story to life. Hope we manage to spark a change and start a conversation. Period.
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 3, 2017
Padman has Twinkle Khanna as one of the co-producers and she has been quite vocal about the need to spread awareness about the menstrual hygiene. In one of her interviews, she questioned GST applied on pads. Here is a clip Twinkle Khanna shared:
Why we need to get rid of #MenstruationTax globally @PhilippaBBC @BBCWorld
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) November 22, 2017
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