It’s been 22 years since Mahesh Bhatt’s Tamanna released, starring Paresh Rawal and Pooja Bhatt in the lead roles. In the film, Rawal plays a eunuch called Tikku and the film is based on his struggles to raise his daughter, Tamanna (Pooja Bhatt) while fighting society’s stigma.
Few know that the title character co-written by Mahesh Bhatt and Tanuja Chandra, was based on a real person. Earlier today, Pooja Bhatt took to Instagram to post about the real-life inspiration who reunited with the makers of the film (based on her life) at a Mumbai college.
Both Mahesh Bhatt and actor Avtar Gill seem to be overwhelmed during this serendipitous reunion. Bhatt, usually a man of many words, seems speechless. He merely takes the real Tamanna’s hands and kisses it, after she does the same. Pooja Bhatt writes for her Instagram caption – “If gratitude is not felt in the entire being it can never be expressed in mere words!”
Released in 1997, Tamanna was the first film produced by a young Pooja Bhatt, and it also starred Manoj Bajpayee in one of his early roles.
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