With Shah Rukh Khan’s Raees just a few days away from its release, the makers are leaving no chance to promote the film in every possible way. The movie is in news from the very beginning and also became a part of many controversies. From claims of being inspired by a real-life story to the ban on Pakistani artists, the film grabbed limelight for all the wrong reasons.
In fact, Shah Rukh himself went to meet Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray to ensure a smooth release of their film, as it also marks the Bollywood debut of Pakistani actress Mahira Khan. After an hour-long discussion, Thackeray agreed, but on one condition that Mahira will not be a part of film’s promotion in India.
And while we all saw SRK promoting the film alone in India, it seems like Shah Rukh has come up with a perfect solution to make Mahira a part of the promotions.
According to reports, a source close to the film told DNA that Mahira and SRK will promote Raees together in Dubai and said:
Mahira will join Shah Rukh and Rahul at the Bollywood Amusement Park in Dubai. Over the two-day promotional schedule, they will also visit malls and interact with the local media.
In fact, Mahira was highly disappointed when she was not able to promote the film in India. In an interview with a TV channel, she said:
I feel bad. When you put so much effort and hard work in a project, you wish to see the results. The film is very special.
With most of the parts being shot in UAE, including the chartbuster song Zaalima, we really hope that Mahira’s presence at the Dubai promotions proves valuable for the film.
Raees is set in the backdrop of the situation in Gujarat in the 80s. While Shah Rukh will be seen portraying the character of a wicked bootlegger Raees Alam, Nawazuddin Siddiqui will be playing the role of a cop whose sole motive is to put him behind the bars.
The movie will hit the theaters on January 25.
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