Zaheer Khan and Sagarika Ghatge will tie the knot in a few days from now. The actress-cricketer couple has always remained quite private about their affair, until they decided to be their candid best in an interview. Recently, while speaking to a leading daily, Zaheer and Sagarika revealed their journey of meeting each other, falling in love, and how they convinced their parents for the wedding.
The 39-year-old ace cricketer accepted he was the one to take the first step. They met through common friends, and Zaheer decided to ask her out. Talking about taking that first step, Zaheer revealed,
We would enjoy each other’s company, but I wasn’t sure if she liked me or not. So I just told her, “I would like to take you out for dinner, but it should be just you and me, not with the gang.” She thought I was joking about it! We always felt there was something between us, but didn’t say it. We have different personalities, but are similar in a lot of ways as well. She is quite choosy about who she hangs out with and so am I. We take our time to open up to people.
Talking about the first impression, Sagarika said,
Zaheer is a good host and is extremely well-mannered. For me it matters a lot. A guy needs to be chivalrous. That was my first impression of him — that he was humble.
On what annoys her the most about Zaheer, she said,
It gets annoying for me. I end up telling him, “You have to have a reaction! You cannot be like that.
When asked if it was difficult to convince the parents for the wedding (because of the Hindu-Muslim barrier), Zaheer said,
Both our families are evolved enough to understand that it’s about marrying the right person over marrying into the same religion.
Congratulations once again, Zaheer and Sagarika.
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