After having launched actresses like Anushka Sharma, Parineeti Chopra, Vani Kapoor and Bhumi Pednekar into Bollywood, Yash Raj Films have inducted a newbie in their ranks. Anya Singh, a Delhi-based girl who does not have a filmy background, has signed a three-movie deal with the premier production house. Besides Anya, Ranbir Kapoor’s cousin Aadar Jain has also been roped in. Both these actors will reportedly make their Bollywood debut with Habib Faisal’s next film. Faisal is a renowned screenwriter and director.
His first film Do Dooni Chaar had won the National Award for Best Hindi Feature Film.Shanoo Sharma, who is the casting director of YRF, told a leading daily that she wanted a girl who would be leading a normal life and then conquer the industry. The casting professional recalled having met Anya two years ago in a restaurant.”A year later, I was sitting in a coffee shop when Anya walked in after a workout session. After a detailed discussion, I sent her for an audition and she was selected. Heaping praises on the new find, Shanoo Sharma, who is the casting director of YRF, told a leading daily that she wanted a girl who would be leading a normal life and then conquer the industry. The casting professional recalled having met Anya two years ago in a restaurant.”A year later, I was sitting in a coffee shop when Anya walked in after a workout session. After a detailed discussion, I sent her for an audition and she was selected,” she told Mid-Day. Heaping praises on the new find, Shanoo described her as someone she would like to have a chat in a pub.
Heaping praises on the new find, Shanoo Sharma, who is the casting director of YRF, told a leading daily that she wanted a girl who would be leading a normal life and then conquer the industry. The casting professional recalled having met Anya two years ago in a restaurant.”A year later, I was sitting in a coffee shop when Anya walked in after a workout session. After a detailed discussion, I sent her for an audition and she was selected,” she told Mid-Day. Heaping praises on the new find, Shanoo described her as someone she would like to have a chat in a pub.
Presenting #AnyaSingh – @yrf’s NEW GIRL
— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) July 5, 2017
Prior to Anya, Yash Raj’s previous find was Bhumi Pednekar, who made her debut opposite Ayushmann Khurana in Dum Laga Ke Haisha 2015. She will be next seen in Akshay Kumar starrer Toilet Ek Prem Katha. Vani Kapoor is another actress launched by Aditya Chopra-led YRF. She made her debut opposite Sushant Singh Rajput and Parineeti Chopra in 2013 romantic drama Shuddh Desi Romance. Meanwhile, check out Anya’s latest pics.
Presenting #AnyaSingh – @yrf’s NEW GIRL
— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) July 5, 2017
Also read: YRF to launch Ranbir Kapoor’s cousin Aadar Jain, Internet reels under nepotism jokes
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