Rajkummar Rao and Shruti Haasan starrer Behen Hogi Teri got released last week. The film, directed by Ajay Pannalal, was a romantic comedy but had nothing new to tell. Set in Lucknow, the plotline of the film was all over the place and it could not really hit the audience as a colourful, fresh take on romance. While Rajkummar felt completely wasted, Shruti also appeared like a miscast. But the one who shines in the movie was Rajkummar Rao’s friend Bhurra, played by Herry Tangri. Be it’s his dialogues or the body language, he impressed with a small but a substantive role.
When InUth talked to Herry over the phone from Mumbai, it was great to realize what an actor feels when he sees himself growing. Herry talked about his love for films, passion for doing good work and what keeps him going ahead despite minimal success in Bollywood. Here are the excerpts:
What differences do you find in your role in Behen Hogi Teri from your last released MS Dhoni The Untold Story?
My role as Rajkummar Rao’s friend, Bhurra in Behen Hogi Teri is totally different from my previous role in MS Dhoni The Untold Story. In my last released MS Dhoni The Untold Story, there were no dialogues but in this (Behen Hogi Teri), I have lots of dialogue and I got proper screen timing. For the very first time, I have played the role of a Haryanvi guy, my character in the film is very lovable and grounded. In the film, a time comes when the entire focus is on my character, so yes I am very excited with the response I m getting.
How easily do you relate with the genre (romantic, comedy) and what does love mean to you?
In real life, comedy is there but as far as love is concerned, I hardly relate to it with my real life as I am very much single. I do believe in the fact that in everyone’s life, comedy and romance should be there but currently, I m focusing on my career.
What do you feel about the censorship of a film? Did Behen Hogi Teri also face some trouble with the board?
I have no complained against the CBFC (Central Board of Film Certification), as the board passed the film.
Also Read: Behen Hogi Teri movie review: Rajkummar Rao tries hard but fails to save the film
Tell me something about your upcoming projects?
My film Vodka Diaries is coming, it’s a thriller murder mystery. Kay Kay Menon is there in the film.
Directed by Kushal Srivastava, Vodka Diaries also features Raima Sen, Mandira Bedi and Sharib Hashmi.
Meanwhile, do watch the trailer of the film here:
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