Nidhhi Agerwal, the actress opposite Tiger Shroff in Sabbir Khan’s Munna Michael is the new entrant in Bollywood. The 23-year-oild Bangalore girl is a trained Kathak dancer and had also participated in a beauty pageant. The actress just did her first public outing at the trailer launch of Munna Michael. The movie is a film based on dance. While Tiger has, of course, had to polish his already incredible dance skills for the film, the fact that Nidhhi is already a trained Ballet and Kathak dancer helped her. It should also be noted that the actress was selected from auditions that happened across the country to hunt for a fresh face opposite Tiger in the film.
Nidhhi Agerwal, a former contestant of Miss Diva 2014, has done her schooling from Vidyaship Academy while she’s graduated from Bangalore’s Christ University. The actress’ father is reportedly a Karate practitioner and, therefore, always respected Tiger for his command over his body in both action and dance.
In Munna Michael, Nidhhi plays the character of Dolly who competes with Munna (Tiger Shroff) to win the title of a dance reality show. While she has not been given a lot of screen space in the trailer, the actress definitely looks glamorous and impressive. At the trailer launch of Munna Michael, the actress wore a yellow and grey coloured dress with a plunging neckline. Here’s a glimpse of her performing to one of the songs from Munna Michael:
Check out some stunning photos of Niddhi Agerwal here:
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