Parineeti Chopra and Ayushmann Khurrana’s upcoming movie Meri Pyaari Bindu’s trailer has managed to raised anticipation from the movie. When the song Maana Ke Hum Yaar Nahin released a few weeks ago, it immediately shot up on the chartbusters list. Almost everyone was humming the song that was originally sung by Parineeti. Adding to the buzz of the movie, the second song of the movie has been released and it is soothing to hear.
Titled Haareya, the song talks about the love Abhimanyu and Bindu have for each other. The song perfectly captures how Bindu’s voice and her mannerisms made Abhi fall heads over heels in love with her. Composed by Sachin-Jigar and penned by Kausar Munir and crooned by Arijit Singh, you will be forced to listen the song on loop.
Set in the backdrop of Kolkatta, Meri Pyaari Bindu chronicles the story of neighbours- Abhi and Bindu. The chapters of the movie that was released a few days ago spoke about what their lives was really like. Abhi’s life changed overnight when Bindu shifted to a place near his.
Bindu was the rule breaker and Abhi the one who abided by them. Despite being poles apart from each other, Bindu and Abhi found it difficult to stay away from each other. From college to outings, from hitting the club to getting in problems together, Bindu and Abhi were inseparable.
The chapters of the movie told that Bindu wished to be a singer and how Abhi believed in her dreams.
To ace the character of Bindu, Parineeti did a lot of had work. We know her melodious singing has already impressed many. While speaking to a leading daily, Parineeti said she never thought of being a playback singer. The actress revealed she is a trained singer as she learnt classical music for many years. She accepted of not getting a chance to sing a lot after she became an actor but was glad Meri Pyaari Bindu gave her that opportunity.
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