While actress Parineeti Chopra’s fans were still trying to get over from her recently released song Maana Ke Hum Yaar Nahin, the makers have now unveiled the first look poster of the actors of Meri Pyaari Bindu. The poster gives us an insight of both the lead characters. Parineeti who made her singing debut with the film will also be seen essaying the role of a singer and interestingly the poster to has captured the Ishaqzaade star in her singer avatar.
In the poster, she is seen holding a mic, while Ayushmann is seen reading a novel. But what grabbed our eyeballs is the name of the novel. The novel’s title reads, Chudail Ki Choli, which again forces us to think if the actor is an erotic thriller writer or what? well, only time will tell. The tease of the film is scheduled for tomorrow release.
Ayushmann will be seen essaying the character of an author named Abhimanyu Roy. Set in Kolkata, the film is directed by debutant Akshay Roy and is a Maneesh Sharma production. Meanwhile, there were reports that Ayushmann will also sing for the upcoming film.
Also Read: Watch: Parineeti Chopra’s singing debut Maana Ke Hum Yaar Nahin from Meri Pyaari Bindu is here!
This is the first time audience will see Ayushmann and Parineeti working together for a film. Parineeti, who was last seen in 2014 release Kill Dill, is also making her comeback with this film after a gap of almost three years.
Also Read: Here’s what Priyanka Chopra has to say about cousin Parineeti Chopra’s debut song
Meanwhile, Ayushmann also shared the poster on his twitter page and captioned it as Bindu Ki Kahaani, Abhimanyu ki Zubaani #MeriPyaariBinduTeaser OUT TOMORROW @MeriPyaariBindu
It is scheduled for May 12 release. Meanwhile, listen Parineeti’s song here:
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