Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan are teaming up for the third time for the romantic comedy film Badrinath Ki Dulhania. Directed by Shashank Khaitan the story explores the romantic journey of Badrinath Bansal and Vaidehi Trivedi who hail from small towns, meet in a wedding and eventually fall in love. However, with an ever so predictive storyline – Will Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan’s romantic tale surpass the expectations? Here is the Badrinath Ki Dulhania movie review:
Badrinath Bansal hails from Jhansi. He is a ‘happy go lucky guy’ who wears his heart on his sleeves. Cut to Badrinath who meets Vaidehi Trivedi at a wedding and falls in love. Vaidehi who hails from Kota does not want to get into the tam-jham of marriage. But then Badri never takes a no as an answer and he leaves no stone unturned to impress Vaidehi and eventually two of them fall in love. However, there is always a life beyond romantic side and Badrinath Ki Dulhania explores that life. The ideological clash of patriarchal society, the expectations, and the societal norms become a roadblock in Badri and Vaidehi’s love story. The movie dwells on how their love triumph and conquers all the odds.
For starters, the movie also stars Gauahar Khan, Shweta Basu Prasad and Aakanksha Singh. The actors have done a decent job.
Alia Bhatt (Vaidehi Trivedi)
Every time, we think what next can Alia bring to the table and she surprises us with her energetic performance. Alia as Vaidehi is so relatable that you can’t help but fall in love with her. She is bubbly, quirky and has some solid aspirations. Alia’s character ensures a strong portrayal of the modern times women. She is independent and she knows what is right and wrong. The movie is a treat for all the Alia Bhatt fans.
Varun Dhawan (Badrinath Bansal)
Varun Dhawan as Badrinath is nothing new that we have seen in the past. Over the years, Varun Dhawan has impressed us with his acting prowess. The tapori guy who believes in commitment and love sums up Varun’s character in the film. A special mention should be made for Alia and Varun’s cute chemistry. They have worked together thrice and every time their fresh and breezy equation has surprised us in a good way!
Overall, the movie is a fresh take on the old established patriarchal society. Alia and Varun have given power packed performances in the past as well. This is not the best they got but it is still good. The chemistry between the two is palpable. The supporting actors have done their bit pretty well. The situations are hilarious and funny. They will definitely tickle your funny bones. The movie is simple yet sweet and you should definitely book your tickets right away to have a nice movie outing!
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