Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor, two young stars of Bollywood, collaborated for the first time for Half Girlfriend. The movie is strictly for Chetan Bhagat fans and follows the screenplay of the bestselling book. What was touted as not only a love story, turned out to be exactly that. Arjun’s Madhav Jha and Shraddha’s Riya Somani meet, develop feelings for each other, but don’t stay in a formal relationship, which further complicates things.
The film, much like the trailer, starts with a nervous Arjun Kapoor trying to get a seat in one of the most prestigious colleges in the country- St Stephen’s College. Post checking one thing from his dream list, Madhav Jha concentrates on his another distant dream- getting Riya Somani! The protagonist falls in love with her the instant he sees her on the basketball court. What he does next to woo her, forms the crux of the plot.
In what is a cut to cut copy of Chetan Bhagat’s novel. some things in the movie do seem out of place. For instance, Madhav Jha’s pro skills at playing basketball or Riya Somani grabbing a mic to sing every chance she gets. While Arjun tried hard to speak Bihari like someone who belongs from the state, Shraddha’s rockstar imitation falls prey to poor lip-syncing.
Half Girlfriend is about a village prince’s mad obsession with a rich girl fro a big city. In his bid to do that, Madhav turns a cyber stalker for Riya, and it obviously is romanticised. The story juggles with cities from around the world like it is no big deal. Not giving enough thought about continuity, the movie moves from Delhi to New York and then to Patna in a matter of few minutes.
Also read: Half Girlfriend LIVE movie review: Arjun Kapoor shows you the perils of being half-girlfriend zoned
The movie loses its reality touch when it tries too hard. While showing Riya as the multi-tasker who is amazing at playing basketball, playing guitar ad giving English lessons, the fact that Madhav fails to understand the language seems quite unreal.
What’s hot:
Shraddha’s performance in this half-baked love story takes the cake. Her confident self and the habit to not bow down to anyone is the best part about her character. Shraddha Kapoor is pretty and expressive and you cannot miss this movie if you are in love with her.
What’s not:
While Shraddha tries her best to uplift the movie, Arjun Kapoor’s bland acting brings it down. Looking half confused and half dejected, Arjun keeps the same expressions throughout the movie, leaving us unhappy.
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