Sarkar 3, starring Amitabh Bachchan as the vily godfather, is all set to hit the theatres on Friday. Amitabh Bachchan is back as Subhash Nagre, who has been ruling Mumbai with an iron hand for the past several decades, in this Ram Gopal Varma film. Though he has aged now, he is not vulnerable. The entire world is conspiring his downfall, but he is unperturbed and widely proclaims his hegemony at a public event. Here we bring to you a quick review of the film.
Released in 2008, Sarkar trilogy’s second instalment ended with Nagre asking for his grandson Chiku. Few years later, he grows up to be a brat named Shivaji Nagre (Amit Sadh). The 20-something lad is just like his late father Vishnu, defiant and outspoken, much to the annoyance of Nagre and the latter’s trusted aide Gokul (Ronit Roy). Shivaji falls for Annu Karkare (Yami Gautam), who claims her father was killed at the behest of Sarkar. But she is not the only one vowing to get rid of him. Michael Vallya, a stylish businessman, has his own devious plans to kill Sarkar’s ideology. He is joined by Govind Deshpande (Manoj Bajpayee) a politician who is a part of the larger conspiracy to get Mumbai rid of the patriarch.
What’s hot:
While the previous instalment failed to weave magic at the box office, RGV seems to have got his mojo back. Sarkar 3 is the perfect combination of a terrific star case, nerve-gripping plot and exceptionally well cinematography. The filmmaker has once again shown why he is admired for his thrillers. Amitabh Bachchan has lived his character to the fullest. Ronit Roy, Manoj Bajpayee, and Jackie Shroff need no introduction for their acting prowess.
#ASarkar3Moment I never thought a saucer can look like a gun the way Sarkar makes it look like in #sarkar3
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) May 10, 2017
What’s not:
Though Amitabh Bachchan has done a fantastic job at engaging with the audience but Yami Gautam seems wasted in the movie. From the trailer, it looked that the young actress will have a lot to do in the movie but it wasn’t so. Her grey character wasn’t that grey after all, something that is bound to disappoint fans.
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