Taapsee Pannu’s Naam Shabana is continuing its stronghold at the Box Office. On Tuesday, the film earned Rs 2.50 crore bringing the total to Rs 23.50 crore. It should be noted that yesterday the festival of Ram Navami was celebrated in various parts of the country and was considered a holiday as well. These numbers hint that Taapsee Pannu’s film is cashing on the buzz it created.
The film was made on a budget of Rs 25 crore, reportedly, and the numbers suggest that it has made profit.
A spin-off of the 2015 film Baby, Naam Shabana, tells the story of spy Shabana Khan. Taapsee’s journey from a girl-next-door to being a spy, was loved by viewers. The film also features Anupam Kher, Prithviraj Sukumaran, Manoj Bajpayee in important roles. Despite the presence of renowned Bollywood actors in the film, the entire spotlight was put on Taapseee, a practice that is not followed in many movies.
To ace her character in the film, Taapsee went through extensive research. She learnt Japanese martial art and Israel’s self-defence techniques. Her portrayal of Shabana was appreciated by viewers and many said it was one of Taapsee’s best performances.
Apart from the aforementioned stars, Naam Shabana also featured Akshay Kumar in an extended cameo. On the day of the film’s release, Akshay took to Twitter to write that Taapsee was the hero of the movie. He urged people to go and watch the film in theatres. The numbers of the Box Office collection suggest that people paid heed to Akshay’s request and flocked the cinemas.
Also read: Naam Shabana, Phantom are classic examples of how spy films should not be made
#NaamShabana Fri 5.12 cr, Sat 6.37 cr, Sun 7.27 cr, Mon 2.54 cr, Tue 2.50 cr [Ram Navmi holiday]. Total: ₹ 23.80 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 5, 2017
Also read: Naam Shabana emerges as Prithviraj Sukumaran’s highest opener in Bollywood
The film gave a strong message about women empowerment and it seems Taapsee has not left the issue even after the film’s release. She wrote to Mata Jai Kaur Public School and Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology in New Delhi, where she studied, to introduce self-defense classes. She requested the authorities of the respective institute’s to start with self-defense and martial arts classes soon in their premises so that at early age girls in school learn to empower themselves through self-defense. She also ensured whatever help is required for this initiative will be taken care by the actress.
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