Kangana Ranaut, the one actress who never minces her words, has done it yet again. Since the act at IIFA 2017 featuring Karan Johar, Saif Ali Khan and Varun Dhawan went horribly wrong, a lot has been said and written about nepotism. After the three A-listers were slammed on many platforms for being ignorant, they issued apologies and said the nepotism jibe wasn’t meant to hurt anyone. Saif Ali Khan went ahead and wrote a letter in defense of nepotism and his act, which got an equally string worded response from Kangana.
This morning Kangana’s letter countering Saif’s surfaced on the web and it created quite the stir. Kangana destroyed Saif’s logics one by one, and said his argument of comparing nepotism with genes was illogical. The Rangoon actress, however, added this should not be used to create a divide between her and her co-star.
As soon as Kangana’s letter surfaced, it went viral. Not only this, #KanganaRanautOpenLetter became a top trend on Twitter with many hailing her for speaking her mind. She immediately won hearts and everyone lauded her spunk. The support which Kangana has got on social media proves she has written what was on the minds of many people.
Check out few tweets here:
One word for Kangana- spunk. Women who live on their own terms will always be dragged down. No matter. you just get up and sock it back https://t.co/FV9e2lHDM2
— barkha dutt (@BDUTT) July 22, 2017
That is why you are queen of Bollywood. You are an inspiration for millions. #IStandWithKangana#KanganaRanautOpenLetter . @Rangoli_A . pic.twitter.com/YV0uJPKrBS
— Manoj K Sharma (@manojksharma2) July 22, 2017
We need more like her, she is the epitome of Grace and Virtue. I’m inspired. #KanganaRanautOpenLetter
— Andy (@iAmVJAndy) July 22, 2017
“Should we make peace with #nepotism? The ones who think it works for them can make peace with it” – #KanganaRanaut#KanganaRanautOpenLetter pic.twitter.com/KkfIXSjLZE
— The Timeliners (@the_timeliners) July 22, 2017
#KanganaRanautOpenLetter She let boldness be her friend! #weekend pic.twitter.com/syusUZHpUu
— DoneThing (@Done_Thing) July 22, 2017
No matter what, she always makes her points clearly & sharply! #KanganaRanautOpenLetter pic.twitter.com/GiTFwvnTaz
— Ali Quli Mirza (@AliQuliMirzaAQM) July 22, 2017
She is the Queen for a reason, Greatest actors of her generation.#KanganaRanautOpenLetter is a bold steps against nepotism in Bollywood. pic.twitter.com/0gOHLUoV0B
— Manish Shaarma (@Manishshaarma) July 22, 2017
You gotta agree that Kangana’s got balls! This letter is a slap on the face of over-entitled brats! #KanganaRanautOpenLetter
— ❄ (@exultantdreamer) July 22, 2017
Kangana schools #SaifAliKhan & his nepotic buddies @karanjohar & @Varun_dvn in eugenics https://t.co/8PXlwSMBGt
— Minhaz Merchant (@MinhazMerchant) July 22, 2017
#KanganaRanautOpenLetter wow beautifully written…& its applicable to many lik politics, sports
— Girish Shinde (@GirishShinde2) July 22, 2017
Kangana had written:
In another part of your letter, you talked about the relationship between genetics and star kids, where you emphasised on nepotism being an investment on tried and tested genes. I have spent a significant part of my life studying genetics. But, I fail to understand how you can compare genetically hybrid racehorses to artistes! Are you implying that artistic skills, hard-work, experience, concentration spans, enthusiasm, eagerness, discipline and love, can be inherited through family genes? If your point was true, I would be a farmer back home. I wonder which gene from my gene-pool gave me the keenness to observe my environment, and the dedication to interpret and pursue my interests.
Also read: Kangana Ranaut’s sister Rangoli destroys Apurva Asrani’s remark, explains why it isn’t nepotism
Well, she seriously has more fans than ever.
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