In a response to Saif Ali Khan’s open letter, Kangana Ranaut has penned another one talking about the nepotism issue. The actress wrote how she was deeply hurt with the letter by the letter but welcomed the conversation around this topic. Expressing her opinion on this matter, Kangana said her response should not be used by people to pit them against each other. She explained nepotism was a practice where people tend to act upon their temperamental tendencies.
“Nepotism, on many levels, fails the test of objectivity and rationale. I have acquired these values from the ones who have found great success and discovered a higher truth, much before me. These values are in the public domain, and no one has a copyright on them,” wrote Kangana Ranaut. Giving the example of Swami Vivekananda, Albert Einstein, and Willaim Shakespeare, Kangana said their creativities belonged to the entire generation.
“Today, I can afford to have the willpower to stand for these values, but tomorrow, I might fail, and help my own children realise their dreams of stardom. In that case, I believe that I would have failed as an individual. But the values will never fail. They will continue to stand tall and strong, long after we are gone. So, we owe an explanation to everyone who either owns, or wants to own these values. Like I said, we are the ones who will shape the future of the coming generations,” she added.
Responding to the part of the letter where Saif linked nepotism to genes, Kangana wrote:
In another part of your letter, you talked about the relationship between genetics and star kids, where you emphasised on nepotism being an investment on tried and tested genes. I have spent a significant part of my life studying genetics. But, I fail to understand how you can compare genetically hybrid racehorses to artistes! Are you implying that artistic skills, hard-work, experience, concentration spans, enthusiasm, eagerness, discipline and love, can be inherited through family genes? If your point was true, I would be a farmer back home. I wonder which gene from my gene-pool gave me the keenness to observe my environment, and the dedication to interpret and pursue my interests.
Also read: Kangana Ranaut’s sister Rangoli destroys Apurva Asrani’s remark, explains why it isn’t nepotism
About the part when Saif said media is equally responsible for promoting nepotism, Kangana said this wasn’t the case. She said:
That makes it sound like a crime, which is far from the truth. No one is putting a gun to anyone’s head to hire talent they don’t believe in. So, there is no need to get defensive about one’s choices.
Kangana explained why she started this debate in the first place:
Bullying, jealousy, nepotism and territorial human tendencies are all part of the entertainment industry, much like any other. If you don’t find acceptance in the mainstream, go off beat — there are so many ways of doing the same thing.
Also read: Saif Ali Khan: The way media treats Taimur makes them ‘flagbearer of nepotism’
Telling she was not against the privileged ones, Kangana added:
I think the privileged are the least to be blamed in this debate, since they are part of the system, which is set around chain reactions. Change can only be caused by those who want it. It is the prerogative of the dreamer who learns to take his or her due, and not ask for it.
Kangana ended her letter by saying:
The world is not an ideal place, and it might never be. That is why we have the industry of arts. In a way, we are the flag-bearers of hope.
(Source: Mid-day)
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