Amid loud cheers from father Anil Kapoor and mother Sunita Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor received the National Award for her performance in Neerja. The actress was given the award by President Pranab Mukherjee yesterday, making the day truly special for her. But apart from getting the award, maybe yesterday was when Sonam Kapoor made her relationship with Anand Ahuja, kind of official.
For long now, rumours have surrounded the bond between Sonam and Anand. Their frequent vacations together have always fuelled these rumours. But, Sonam has always maintained a stoic silence on the matter. The actress has always preferred to keep quiet on the matter, saying that her personal life should not be a topic of discussion.
But by bringing Anand with her on the big day to the Rashtrapati Bhawan, Sonam may have just confirmed their relationship. Anand sat beside Anil Kapoor and when Sonam went on stage to receive the award, his was the loudest cheer. Dressed in a black attire, Anand obviously looked dapper.
It should be noted that Sonam’s siblings- Rhea and Harshvardhan Kapoor missed the ceremony, but Anand was present. Do we need to say more about their bond? A Delhi-based designer and the founder of clothing line Bhane, Anand is seen quite frequently in the functions of Kapoor family.
Also see: Photo: Daddy Anil Kapoor turns photographer for Sonam Kapoor at National Film Awards
Moving from Anand and speaking about Sonam, the actress looked ravishing in a green saree designed by Anamika Khanna. Sonam wore a heavy neckpiece and tied her hair in a bun for the event. Sonam’s portrayal of Neerja, the young PanAm senior purser who died protecting passengers after plane hijack, was lauded by one and all. When the actress was asked if she would get picky about her roles after the National Award win, she said she would keep doing projects that appealed to her.
Also see: Photo: Daddy Anil Kapoor turns photographer for Sonam Kapoor at National Film Awards
Currently, Sonam is busy with Padman, an R Balki directorial where she plays an important role.
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