The first day of Sonakshi Sinha’s Noor at the Box Office did not bring good news for the makers. The movie had a dull start at the Box Office and earned only Rs 1.54 crore. Directed by Sunhil Sippy and also featuring Kanan Gill and Purab Kohli in pivotal roles, the movie released in 1450 screens across India. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted that the movie needed to register a huge jump to leave a mark.
Noor got mixed reviews from critics. Though Sonakshi’s act as a journalist was lauded, the sloppy plot of the movie got a thumbs down from critics. Many were of the opinion that Noor did not justify the life of a journo. Mentioning about the movie, Noor kicked off with an interesting story. In what may be called as a mixture of Bridget Jones and Sex In The City, Noor chronciled the misadventures of the young journalist.
The movie showed the basic problems she dealt with, like a dysfunctional geyser, a not-so-amiable boss and friends who poked fun at her almost every second. Noor also had some relatable issues like her fight with a hangover or her failed attempts at losing weight. The lack of relationships in her life, made hr grumpy as well.
Despite, having a plot that would resonate to almost every millennial, Noor lost the connection after a while. For as long as the movie spoke about Noor’s personal life, it managed to impress viewers but it was how the professional angles of her being were portrayed that posed problems. The movie soon became a mix of many things, something that the critics did not like.
However, they were also of the opinion that Noor deserves a watch because of Sonakshi Sinha. With such a slow start at the Box Office, it is left to be seen if Sonakshi’s star power serves as a crowd puller or not.
Also read: Sonakshi ‘Noor’ Sinha gets into character, interviews Barkha Dutt and asks about Arnab Goswami
#Noor has a dull start… Fri ₹ 1.54 cr [1450 screens]. India biz… Needs a major jump over the weekend to leave a mark.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 22, 2017
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