Ever since Sanjay Leela Bhansali announced his next, Padmavati, featuring Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh in the male lead, a lot has been talked and written about their roles. In the film, while Ranveer will be seen essaying the role of Allauddin Khilji, Shahid is portraying the role of Raja Rawal Ratan Singh. However, they both were not the first choice for the filmmaker.
The latest buzz has it that before finalising Ranveer and Shahid, Sanjay Leela Bhansali wanted ‘top actors’ to play the main lead. However, they turned down the offer as they reportedly felt that the title of the film sounded more like a women-centric film. It was also reported that Bhansali was very much determined to cast Deepika Padukone in the role of Rani Padmavati.
Talking about the same Rajeev Masand said, “Bhansali stuck with his leading lady even after top male stars offered to star in it if the director was willing to change the title to sound less like it revolved around the heroine. Deepika is returning the favour by standing firmly by Bhansali’s side, focusing solely on Padmavati, even as her co-actors Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor are dividing their time between Bhansali’s set and ad-films, appearances, and the like”.
Also Read: Ranveer Singh suffers injury on Padmavati set, returns from hospital to complete the shoot
Directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Padmavati is a period drama. The film will bring back the hit Jodi of Ranveer and Deepika on the silver screen after their film Bajirao Mastani. This is the third time the duo will be seen sharing the screen space together. Apart from Bajirao Mastani, they have also worked together in 2013 released Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela.
Also Read: Here’s why Padmavati director Sanjay Leela Bhansali is unhappy with Deepika Padukone
As of now, Padmavati is slated to release by the end of this year.
Source- Desimartini.com
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