Actors like Priyanka Chopra, Farhan Akhtar, Sushant Singh Rajput and Emraan Hashmi have already been a part of sports-based films in Bollywood. And now, the next actor who is set to join the list is Ranveer Singh. The actor who is geared up for his next release, Padmavati, will get into the shoes of the legendary cricketer, Kapil Dev. What is striking is that unlike other sports-based films, the film will showcase the journey of the entire cricket tournament rather than focusing on a particular player. The untitled film will be based on India’s victory in 1983 Cricket World Cup. The film will be directed by Kabir Khan, whose last release, Tubelight starring Salman Khan could not do much at the Box Office.
While the news is confirmed, some reports have suggested that an official announcement will be made on September 27 in Mumbai. Talking about the project to a leading daily, the producer of the film, who is also the founder of the Celebrity Cricket League (CCL), Vishnu Induri said:
Yes, I am trying to make this film since the last three-and-a-half years and I have now got a combination of Ranveer Singh and Kabir Khan. Ranveer Singh is playing Kapil Dev’s role and it’s a bigger movie now.
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In order to avoid any controversy, the makers have also bagged the permission for using the real names of the players from the 1983 world cup Indian cricket team.
Facts about India’s win in 1983 cricket World Cup:
The finals of 1983 World Cup was played between India and West Indies under the captaincy of cricket legends, Kapil Dev and Clive Lloyd, respectively. India defeated one of the most fearsome side, West Indies. No one thought that Indians would beat WI and conquer the World Cup. This was the third consecutive World Cup final appearance for West Indies while India was playing its first. India, who had put a decent score of 183 on the board bowled exceptionally well to defend the total. They took all the 10 wickets and restricted the WI side to 140 to lift the World Cup. In the finals, just two batsmen entered the thirties in the entire match — Srikkanth (38) and Richards (33).
Facts about Kapil Dev:
Kapil Dev aka Haryana Hurricane represented the Haryana cricket team in domestic cricket. He is one of the greatest all-rounders Indian Cricket Team has ever seen. The legendary cricketer, who captained 1983 World Cup was named by Wisden as the Indian Cricketer of the Century in 2002. Also, he is the only Indian bowler who has never bowled a no-ball. He retired in 1994, holding the world record for the most number of wickets taken in Test cricket, a record subsequently broken by West Indies player, Courtney Walsh in 2000.
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