We all know about comedian Kapil Sharma and Sunil Gover recent controversy. It’s all started when the reports emerged that everything is not well between them. Apparently, while travelling to Mumbai from Australia, Kapil threw a shoe at Sunil and even abused him on a flight. After that, a lot has been written and talked about both of them. But this time the one who has decided to share her views was none other than Twinkle Khanna. Twinkle, who is known for her wit and humour recently took a dig at Kapil Sharma.
In her recent column for a leading daily, Twinkle has shared her views that even at a height of 30,000 feet anything can be a weapon, even scotch, and slippers. In one of the excerpts from her column, she took a dig at the most talked about the controversy of Kapil and Sunil Grover. She wrote: “Or more recently, when all the free in-flight booze led to a free-for-all, with an allegedly inebriated comedian, Kapil Sharma, hurling a shoe at his colleague. Please note, footwear is also apparently yet another trendy weapon these days. A fact demonstrated by the now infamous Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad who forgot that when you climb on board, it is the plane that is meant to fly and not your temper. He reportedly took off his slipper and, by his own admission, hit an Air India employee 25 times”.
Meanwhile, she also took to her twitter handle to share her column and wrote: Sitting around with not just your foot but a slipper in your mouth as well – My bit this week.
Sitting around with not just your foot but a slipper in your mouth as well – My bit this week https://t.co/YfISu1QVxJ #PlaneSpeak pic.twitter.com/QwJkyMN1Bj
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) April 9, 2017
Also Read: Here’s what Raveena Tandon has to say about her equation with ex-Akshay Kumar’s wife Twinkle Khanna
So, now it will be interesting to watch how Kapil Sharma will react to Twinkle’s this action.
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