On January 6, India lost one of the veteran actors — Om Puri. He passed away in the morning due to cardiac arrest. The entire nation gathered up together over the social media platform to pay their homage to the Padma Shri awardee. But shockingly, at the same time, another group of people is expressing their happiness on Om Puri’s demise.
In 2016, Om Puri made certain controversial and brutal statement on the Indian Army over a television news debate. The major focus of the debate was on the ban on Pakistani talent, in context to the growing tension between India and Pakistan. Puri was asked about his opinion on the issue but his comment hurt the sentiments of the other panelists.
Puri had said in the past that Pakistani artists work in India with a valid visa and hence, it would be incorrect to boycott them. He also mentioned that if Pakistani talent is completely done away with, it would be a massive loss for the Indian producers who have cast them in their films. While trying to explain his stance during the live debate, he made some insensitive comments about the Indian army.
“I will work with Pakistani actors and earn my bread. why don’t you ask the government to cancel their visas? In India, there is 22 crore Muslims, don’t provoke them. Did we ask the soldiers to join the army? My father was also an army man and I am proud of our soldiers. I don’t give a damn about Salman Khan or some other Khan. I’ll end with this – please prepare 10-15 Indians as suicide bombers and send them to Pakistan. Thank you.”
Later, Puri apologised for his statement and even had an F.I.R against him. He also had to face criticism from his fellow actors. But today, when he is no more, there are few people who are happy that Puri is no more and are expressing themselves on the twitter which was brought in focus by former Indian cricketer, Virender Sehwag.
Extremely shocked to see how some so called Patriots are celebrating veteran actor Om Puri’s death #OmPuri pic.twitter.com/MufPt2th5O
— Virender Sehwag (@ViirenderSehwag) January 6, 2017
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