Days after the veteran actor Om Puri passed away suffering a cardiac arrest, the Mumbai Police team investigation this case has interrogated Bollywood producer Khalid Kidwai on January 14. As asserted by Kidwai, a day before Om Puri died, the veteran actor had met him.
Earlier on January 11, Kidwai, in a statement given to Mumbai Police, mentioned that Puri was extremely disturbed the night before he died. Kidwai said,”Om Puri wanted to meet his son Ishan on January 5 and thus, we went to the Trishul building where his ex-wife Nandita lives with Ishan but we couldn’t meet them as both Nandita and Ishan had gone for a party.”
“He also had an argument with his wife over the phone as he asked them to come as soon as possible as he wanted to see his son. He made a drink and waited there for 45 minutes but they didn’t come. He took his glass along with the liquor bottle along with him and started drinking in the car. We left from there once he finished drinking.”
On the other hand, the post-mortem report given by the forensic doctors had some different story than expected. In the case of cardiac arrest, dead tissues have to be present which was in this case hence cause of death has not been given in his case. Secondly, the forensic doctors had also observed that liver had shrunk which is a sign of chronic alcoholism which can aggravate chances of cardiac arrest.
Om Puri’s estranged wife Nandita Puri has also reported about the last argumentive conversation she had with him on January 5 evening. She said,”We regret that we couldn’t see him that evening. I’ll miss him terribly because he is a habit. I have spent the longest part of my life with him more than my son or my parents.”
The Bollywood faced a huge loss on January 6 in the morning after veteran actor Om Puri passed away at the age of 66 due to cardiac arrest. Filmmaker Ashoke Pandit, one of Om Puri’s closest friend, confirmed the sad news of his demise on twitter. In the morning, when his doorbell went unanswered, the driver raised an alarm.
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