The 64th National film awards have been announced on Friday where Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar won the Best Actor honor and Malayalam actor Mohanlal bagged a special mention recognition. Though it was Malayalam superstar’s fifth national award honor, for Akshay Kumar it was his first ever best actor recognition. Akshay Kumar has received the Best Actor recognition for his performances in Airlift and Rustom while Lalettan got the special jury honor for his performances Malayalam films Pulimurugan, Munthirivallikal Thalirkkumbol and Telugu film Janatha Garage.
In a video interview with a popular South Indian film critic Sreedhar Pillai, Priyadarshan had revealed that out of the 86 films, only Mohanlal and Akshay Kumar were competing for the best actor award in a lead role. He also added that there were no third contenders for the final race.
The Oppam director was quoted as saying;
“When the final award came for best actor honor, Akshay Kumar got 7 votes and the rest has gone to Mohanlal. And there was no third competition. Among the 86 films, only Mohanlal and Akshay Kumar were competing for the best actor in a lead role. That was the situation. Mohanlal has got the award five times while Akshay Kumar was yet to receive an award. So naturally, the Jury said we have to encourage Akshay Kumar who has not got it before. That was the mutual opinion of the Jury. Later we have made the decision, Akshay Kumar as the best actor and special mention to Mohanlal”.
There was a controversy as many in the social media suggested that Akshay Kumar won the award because of his friendship with Priyadarshan.
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