With Sonam Kapoor and Radhika Apte being the newest addition to Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film Padman, a lot has been speculated about their roles. Recently, rumours also had it that Akshay Kumar will not be playing the lead role in the film and a Tamil actor has been roped in for the same. But there is no official confirmation regarding the actor’s exit.
And now it is being said that Radhika Apte will be seen playing Akshay’s wife in the film and it will be for the first time that these two actors will share the screen space. Radhika is known for portraying bold and unconventional roles on the celluloid. And Padman will altogether be a different experience for the actress.
The movie is Akshay’s wife Twinkle Khanna’s maiden production under her new banner Mrs Funnybones Movies and is the biopic of Arunachalam Muruganantham, the man who made sanitary napkins. The film will be helmed by R. Balki and will showcase Arunachalam’s journey of finding a way to make cheap, affordable sanitary napkins for women in his village.
According to reports, a source close to the film confirmed the news and told DNA that Radhika will be playing the Akshay’s on-screen wife who is embarrassed of her husband. He said:
She plays a nagging wife who is embarrassed by her husband’s concern with her menstrual cycles. She threatens to leave him if he doesn’t get over his obsession with her and other women’s periods. When he doesn’t, she leaves him, but don’t worry, the light-hearted film has a happy ending.
Padman is likely to hit the theaters in December this year and we really can’t wait to see a film on such an unconventional and inspiring subject.
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