After vandalising the sets of Padmavati and attacking Sanjay Leela Bhansali in Jaipur, the Rajput Karni Sena now want the government’s intervention in the issue. The founder of the community group, Lokendra Singh Kalvi was in Delhi to meet the officials of I&B ministry (Information and Broadcasting ministry) recently where he talked to InUth and clarified his demands and suggestions on the same.
Kalvi mentioned that there are three demands Rajput Karni Sena has made in front of Sanjay Leela Bhansali team and all have been agreed upon. The demands are as follows:
1. No showcase of a personal relationship between Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone in Padmavati.
2. No dream sequence between Alauddin Khilji and Padmavati in the film.
3. Until any proper agreement, the picturisation of the film should be stopped.
Kalvi further said that he has full faith in the ministry and he is sure that a committee will soon be formed by the government for the review of historical films.
Talking about Bhansali being manhandled in Jaipur, he asserted that even he doesn’t support any kind of violence. However, he will not let anybody distort history. He said:
“Itihaas ke saath chhed-chhad hogi toh Rajasthan me ghusna band kar denge. Nobody has a right to distort the historical facts or to disrespect the honour of Rani Padmini or other women who sacrificed their lives and committed Jauhar (Hindu custom of mass self-immolation).“
Talking about the argument that Padmavati never even existed in real, an agitated Kalvi said:
“This is all bakwas. If Rani Padmini is fictional, why does our government organise so many fairs, light shows in her name? If she is not real, then whom did our former Prime Minister pay homage to? Why do so many people visit the grand jauhar mela that we have in Rajasthan every year?”
However, Kalvi did not present a clear stance when asked whether Bhansali can resume shooting in Rajasthan.
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