Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s magnum opus Padmavati has been postponed again. The film featuring Shahid Kapoor, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, will now release in 2018. Though there is no official confirmation, reliable sources have said that the movie won’t hit screens in November as planned. The reason behind this delay is that around 40-45% shooting of the film is still pending. There is no way the shoot would be completed during this time.
The makers apparently unanimously decided to postpone the release. Since the release date has been pushed, it gives SLB more time to invest in post production. The budget of the film is around Rs 180 crore and no one wants to take chances of any kind. Padmavati is one of costliest films of Hindi cinema. Another reason which has contributed to the delay is the workers’ strike.
For all cine buffs who had been waiting for the film would be disappointed after learning this news. Earlier this year, the project was stalled after fringe elements vandalized the sets in Rajasthan and manhandled Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The fringe group alleged the film had distorted historical facts and presented the queen in a bad light. The film is based on the story of Rani Padmini and her bravery. Rani Padmini was married to Raja Rawal Ratan Singh and Alauddin Khilji wanted to invade their kingdom. The fringe group alleged the movie shows a romance between Padmini and Khilji, which never happened. Post this incident, the sets of the film were moved.
Also read: Shahid Kapoor just gave more deets about romantic scenes in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati
Padmavati has been in the news for a really long time. To ensure that nothing from the film gets leaked, SLB has reportedly banned the use of mobile and cameras. In fact, the actors are covered as they are escorted from their vanity vans to the sets. Considering how much attention, the ace director gives to details, it can be understood he did not want to goof things up. Probably, it is best for him and his fans that the film gets ample time before release.
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