Sanjay Leela Bhansali had to cancel the shoot of his magnum opus Padmavati, after Rajpur Karni Sena’s violent protests on the sets of the film in Jaipur. The filmmaker was also assaulted and slapped by the fringe group members. Apparently, the group has problems with the way Rani Padmini of Chittor is being portrayed in the film.
The whole nation and the film industry was in a state of shock and took to social media to condemn the attack. All the industry big wigs, Film Guild and the stars came out in support of SLB and appealed the govt to intervene in the entire matter.
In an interview with IANS, Rishi Kapoor expressed his anger and told that the judiciary system will decide what is wrong and right, not the Karni Sena. He said:
There is a censor board who censors it before it comes to the people and without knowing facts, without seeing the picture, you do a morcha and start hitting, what is this nonsense.
Rishi Kapoor further added:
Is this the security we have in this country for filmmakers or artistes? Who’s answerable to this? Tomorrow you start doing this with everybody. It will be impossible to make films. Who are they? Are they the caretakers of history? If you are, then see the film and then make a judgement. How can you raise your hand, how can you take law in your hands? Who are these people (Rajput) Karni Sena or whoever they are. What right do they have to do that? You cannot take justice in your hands.
Also read: Padmavati Fiasco: Film Guild condemns attack on Sanjay Leela Bhansali, want gov to intervene
Not only this, Rishi Kapoor also advised SBL to take legal action against the Karni Sena protestors and said:
I read on Twitter he has cancelled the shoot. Who’s going to pay your b***** is going to pay for all the expenses… Just because of this nonsense, he had to cancel his actor’s date. I say Sanjay Leela Bhansali should sue whatever that Karni Sena workers.
Well, we really hope that govt soon take strict action against the fringe group.
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