Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Team Padmavati have had a tough go at things in the recent months. According to the latest update in the PIL filed by a group of 11 people, the supreme court has dismissed their plea seeking a ban on the release of the film.
While dismissing the petition, the apex court said that the Censor Board has not yet issued a certificate to Padmavati, it is an independent body and therefore SC should not intervene in their jurisdiction.
Supreme Court dismisses petition filed against release of the film #Padmavati
— ANI (@ANI) November 10, 2017
A bench comprising Chief Justice Dipak Misra and Justices A M Khanwilkar and D Y Chandrachud said there were enough guidelines to be followed by the Censor Board to grant certification of a film before its release.
The plea seeking a ban on the film was filed by Siddharajsinh M Chudasama and 11 others. The group also demanded that a committee of historians should be set up to check the historical facts in the film.
Not only, SC, Allahabad High Court’s Lucknow bench also dismissed the petition seeking a stay on the release Padmavati. The bench requested the petitioner to approach the concerned body regarding the issue.
Allahabad High Court’s Lucknow bench dismisses petition seeking stay on release of the movie #Padmavati, asks petitioner to approach concerned body
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) November 10, 2017
The controversy began when several members of the Rajput community assumed that it showed intimate scenes between Deepika Padukone who plays Padmavati and Ranveer Singh who plays Alauddin Khilji.
Just a few days back, Bhansali released a video reiterating that there were no dream sequences between Rani Padmini and Alauddin Khilji.
Watch the video here:
This is my tribute to the sacrifice, valour and honour of Rani Padmavati! – Sanjay Leela Bhansali @RanveerOfficial @deepikapadukone @shahidkapoor
— Padmavati (@FilmPadmavati) November 8, 2017
The trouble for the film doesn’t end here, the Rajasthan government is planning to set up a committee to watch Padmavati. According to the reports published by a news agency, Rajasthan Home Minister Gulab Chand Kataria told
Modalities in this direction will be worked out soon. The committee will watch the movie and will identify the scenes in the film that may hurt the sentiments of public.
Kataria further added that,
What has to done after that… Do we have to talk to the filmmaker… It will only be decided after watching the film. Moreover, what we can do on our level will also be decided after the committee watches the film.
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