The hoopla around Padmavati, Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s upcoming film, seems to be getting more intense. A Rajput caste group of Rajasthan — Karni Sena — has objected to the portrayal of Rani Padmini in the film. The controversy had errupted after members of the group created a ruckus on the sets of the film in Jaipur’s Jaigarh fort. They even attacked Bhansali and broke equipment on the set. Post the incident, the entire film fraternity came together in support of the filmmaker and asked for government’s intervention in the issue.
Commenting on the issue, wrestler Yogeshwar Dutt stated that more caution should be taken while making films on historical subjects or ‘heroes.’ In a series of tweets, the Olympic medal-winning wrestler mentioned how nobody should tamper with facts and history and in fact be extremely careful while adapting such stories on celluloid. The English translations of his tweets go like:
The story of the queen of Chittor, her sacrifice is immortal in the pages of history. Ratan Singh, the king of Chittor, had a swayamvar.
A novel is different from history. There’s a difference between Paro and Padmavati. Be careful when dealing with a symbol of renunciation, sacrifice and courage like Padmavati.
To save their honour from the invader Khilji, Rani Padmavati performed jauhar along with 16000 other courageous women; choosing to self-immolate rather than be held captive by Khilji.
Despite knowing that defeat is unavoidable, every man wore the saffron turban for 12 years and committed saka. Tampering with this heroic tale is unacceptable.
Here are his tweets:
चित्तौड़ की रानी की साहस,बलिदान की गौरवगाथा इतिहास में अमर है।चित्तौड़ के राजा रतनसिंह का स्वयंवर किया था।#HighTimeWakeUpIndia— Yogeshwar Dutt (@DuttYogi) January 28, 2017
उपन्यास अलग बात है और इतिहास अलग बात।पारो और रानी पद्मावती में फ़र्क़ है।त्याग, बलिदान,साहस का प्रतीक रानी #Padmawati के साथ सावधानी रखे।
— Yogeshwar Dutt (@DuttYogi) January 28, 2017
आक्रमणकारी ख़िलजी से गरिमा की रक्षा के लिए 16000 वीरांगनाओं के साथ रानी #Padmavati ने जौहर किया,भस्म हुयी किंतु ख़िलजी को नहीं मिली।
— Yogeshwar Dutt (@DuttYogi) January 28, 2017
हार निश्चित होने के बाद भी 12 साल से ऊपर का हर पुरुष केसरिया साफ़ा बाँध कर “साका व्रत” किया।इस गौरव गाथा से छेड़-छाड स्वीकार नहीं की जा सकती
— Yogeshwar Dutt (@DuttYogi) January 28, 2017
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