After having problems with Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jab Harry Met Sejal and Madhur Bhandarkar’s Indu Sarkar, CBFC chief Pahlaj Nihalani is again grabbing headlines. This time he has a problem with stars drinking and smoking on-screens in their films. According to the latest report, Nihalani has a new take on the films which shows especially superstars consuming alcohol. While talking to a leading daily, he said: “Merely putting a ticker warning at some remote corner of the screen whenever there is smoking or drinking shown, is not enough anymore. We feel the superstars who are followed by millions and who set an example in societal behaviour must not be shown drinking or smoking on screen unless the provocation for doing so is really strong.” Adding to this Nihalani has said, “A film where alcohol is essential would have to go with an A certificate.”
Further explaining his stand on the same, he added: “A film where alcohol is essential would have to go with an A certificate.”
Meanwhile, several reports also suggested that Pahlaj Nihalani might have to step down as the chairman of CBFC. Reportedly, he will be replayed by filmmaker Prakash Jha and TV producer and actor Chandraprakash Dwivedi, however, nothing has been confirmed yet.
Also Read: CBFC chief Pahlaj Nihalani talks sense, questions IIFA for ignoring Akshay Kumar and Aamir Khan
Recently, he was also in the news for Amartya Sen’s documentary. The CBFC refused green signal by the censor board over the use of words including “cow”, “Gujarat”, “Hindu India” and “Hindutva”, used by Sen in the film. Titled The Argumentative Indian, the documentary has been named after a book authored by Sen. The film has already screened in Kolkata, New York, and London.
Also Read: Jab Harry Met Sejal intercourse row: Imtiaz Ali says CBFC will not find it ‘apattijanak’
Source: Quint
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