Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma are leaving no stones unturned to promote their upcoming film Jab Harry Met Sejal. The makers have come up with innovative ideas to promote the film. Instead of releasing one trailer, they have released three mini trails. These 30-second video clips give a sneak-peek into the film. One of the mini trails from the film had the word ‘intercourse’, which is creating an issue for Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) chief Pahlaj Nihalani.
Pahlaj Nihalani has asked for one lakh votes from the common people to clear the word intercourse from the mini-trail and film. In an interview to a TV channel, Pahlaj said on Friday, “You take votes from the public and I will clear the word ‘intercourse’ on the promo and the film also. I want one lakh votes and I want to see that India has changed and Indian families want their 12-year-old kids to understand the meaning of this word.”
The film’s second mini promo, which was released on June 19, has a scene where Anushka used the word intercourse. The particular scene has been disapproved by the CBFC for airing on television. After watching the promo, Nihalani told an English daily that they have granted a U/A certification to the trailer on condition of deletion of the intercourse dialogue.
“They’ve uploaded the uncut trailer on YouTube. The CBFC cannot stop content on the internet. But we can and will stop the broadcast of the uncensored footage on television,” he added.
Anushka Sharma and Shah Rukh Khan’s film is set to release on August 4. While we CBFC has once again shown their sanskaari side, let’s see what Twitterati have to say:
Pahlaj Nihalani doesn’t need to ask for 1 lac votes to approve ‘intercourse’ in @iamsrk‘s #JabHarryMetSejal. What he needs is to get laid.
— Ankur Pathak (@aktalkies) June 23, 2017
#sanskarinihalani at it again. Word “intercourse” unacceptable? 1 lakh votes to clear #JabHarryMetSejal. Cast your vote now!!
— Apoorva Shridhar (@ApoorvaShridhar) June 23, 2017
This man must have been a product of peacock tears. #JabHarryMetSejal #sanskarinihalani
— Ashwin Verman (@JhansaRaam_Bapu) June 23, 2017
How many votes to remove pehlaj nehlani from censer board? #sanskarinihalani ?
— FUNjaabi (@BeingManchanda) June 23, 2017
What a shame ? Instead of reasoning, we will have voting system. Wow. Then agencies will buy votes too.
— Achin Maheshvri (@achinmaheshvri) June 23, 2017
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