Anupam Kher will essay the role of former prime minister Manmohan Singh in the film The Accidental Prime Minister that will release next year. It is the cinematic adaptation of Sanjaya Baru’s book of the same name. Now, Censor Board chairperson Pahlaj Nihalani has said that the makers of the film will have to seek permission from the former PM, Congress president Sonia Gandhi and the politicians who find mention in the narrative.
“The makers of The Accidental Prime Minister – producer Sunil Bohra and Ashoke Pandit, would have to get an NOC (No Objection Certificate) from Manmohan Singhji, Sonia Gandhi ji and all the other real-life politicians who are part of the narrative,” Nihalani was quoted saying.
“This rule applies without fail. There are no exceptions. And although my current tenure as the CBFC chairperson ends in January 2018 and this film will come up for censorship after that, I am sure the guidelines regarding biopics would remain unchanged,” the censor board chief told The Quint.
Anupam Kher had shared the poster of the film that will be directed by Vijay Ratnakar Gutte. The screenplay of the film has been penned by National Award-winning filmmaker Hansal Mehta.
To reinvent yourself as an actor is to challenge yourself. Looking forward to portraying #DrManmohanSingh in #TheAccidentalPrimeMinister.:)
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPkher) June 7, 2017
Baru served as Manmohan Singh’s press secretary during his first tenure as prime minister. In his book, he made startling revelations about the economist’s relationship with the Nehru-Gandhi family and other members of the Congress.
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