Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) chief Pahlaj Nihalani, finally broken his silence on the rumours around his post. On Tuesday, several reports suggested that he will soon be asked to step down from the post, however reacting to the same, Nihalani said that he has not heard of any plans by the government to remove him from the post.
“So far, I have not heard any such plans from the government. I am sure my well-wishers are holding their breath. But they can exhale for now. As far as being asked to relinquish my post as the CBFC chairperson is concerned, I leave the decision entirely to the government. It was they who asked me to take over in January 2015. The decision to hire me was a complete surprise to me. I immediately took charge and began working to the best of my abilities. If now I am asked to leave, I’d do so just as swiftly, wishing my successor all the best,” news agency IANS quoted him as saying.
In recent time, Nihalani came into limelight for showing his disapproval in films like Udta Punjab, Lipstick Under My Burkha and Indu Sarkar, but Nihalani feels a lot of ground has been covered by the CBFC in the two-and-half years of his term.
Also Read: CBFC chief Pahlaj Nihalani talks sense, questions IIFA for ignoring Akshay Kumar and Aamir Khan
“We brought in complete transparency in the process of film certification and we eliminated all middlemen and corruption. For this, I must thank my very efficient CBFC team. We all worked towards getting rid of the problems that plagued the workings of the censor board. This did not go down well with a lot of people who used to benefit from the earlier system of working in the CBFC.”
Further talking about the type of criticism he has faced so far for the process of his work, he said that one should have to accept his work method or wait for the government to get rid of him.
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“I repeat… I am only doing my job. I didn’t formulate the censor guidelines. If the guidelines are changed, I’d be most happy to implement those changes. But until then, I will do my job as I am meant to. Please accept the fact that I won’t get swayed by criticism, abuse and taunts. Accept my work method, or wait for the government to get rid of me”.
Source: IANS
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