Parineeti Chopra is currently promoting her film Meri Pyaari Bindu, which released on Friday. Recently, she spoke on the change she wants to witness in the film industry: pay parity between actors. Parineeti, who earned praises for her debut song Maana Ki Hum Yaar Nahi, said she was expecting some kind of change in the industry.
Aamir Khan had once said that male actors get more business for the films. Although the Kill Dil actor agreed with his views, she said that when the woman is the main protagonist, then she also brings some business. “But the pay scale is not equal in this case,” DNA quoted her as saying.
This is not the first time when Parineeti has expressed her views on the issue. Recently, she stood behind Sonakshi Sinha when the Dabangg actor was at the eye of a storm over her Twitter feud with Armaan Malik. She had said that everyone including actors have the right to sing. Parineeti’s film Meri Pyaari Bindu is clashing with Amitabh Bachchan starrer Sarkar 3. But the actor is not worried about the competition.
“If the film is good, it will connect with the audience. A film becomes a hit when people love and enjoy it. If people will like ‘Meri Pyaari Bindu’, it will be a hit,” she added further. Written by Suprotim Sengupta and directed by Akshay Roy, this is the first time Parineeti Chopra is sharing the screen space with Ayushmann Khurrana.
Also read: Ayushmann Khurrana and Parineeti Chopra launch Ye Jawaani Teri song from Meri Pyaari Bindu
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