Radhika Apte, will be seen in Padman along with Akshay Kumar. The actress has given power-packed performances in the films like Shor in the City, Kabali, Phobia, Badlapur, Manjhi – The Mountain Man. Recently, Radhika talked about the pay disparity, that prevails in the film industry, between male and female actors.
According to the reports published by a leading daily, Radhika revealed that that many of her male co-stars earn more than her for the same job. She said “There is a lot of inequality. I’m friends with all my contemporaries. I know who gets paid what. My male friends get three times more pay than me. We have so many male superstars, but there are just a few female actors who have attained that status. It is not only because of the industry, it’s in the society. If films starring Deepika or Priyanka will start working like a Salman Khan movie, we will start having female superstars. People still can’t digest the fact or imagine that a female actor can be a superstar.”
Radhika, who was last seen with Rajinikanth in Kabali, also said this will only change when the audiences start accepting A-list female actors as superstars.
Also read: In Pics: Akshay Kumar and Radhika Apte rock the common man avatar in Padman
The actress has not made any outing on the silver screen in recent times. She further added, “I like to be in a comfortable zone. What I am wearing makes me feel like a princess. I never wear such things in personal life. It is a good change for me.”
“For an actor, it is necessary to vegetate and look for inspiration. I get that from traveling, meeting people and observing things around me. I bring back my energy by gaining different experiences. Taking a break and evolving as a person is important for me,” she added.
Also read: Hollywood dreams and more: Radhika Apte talks about the kind of work she wants to do
Source– DNA
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