Akshay Kumar’s film Jolly LLB 2 found itself in a legal soup following the objection a faction of lawyers raised against it. Citing that the film defamed the Indian judicial system, a lawyer filed a PIL at the Bombay High Court. Taking decision on the same, the HC ordered makers to implement four cuts in the movie and modify few dialogues. The makers earlier approached the Supreme Court to challenge the decision but withdrew their plea this morning.
So now the film will hit the theatres on 10 February as scheduled after the implementation of the proposed cuts.
Addressing the entire row, Akshay Kumar who plays the protagonist in this Subhash Kapoor film, said in a media interaction that sometimes people file such cases deliberately. He added that he honours the judgement of the court and the film will release as scheduled.
Akshay Kumar was quoted by PTI as:
These days anyone keeps filing cases on every second film, but still the court never stalls the release of any film. Because the court also understands that sometimes people file these cases deliberately.
He added:
I respect High Court’s decision. They must have made the decision keeping everything in mind. It’s the High Court, you have to abide by their rules and I always believe in abiding by the rules and we have made the changes. There is no argument about it.
The decision of makers to accept the cuts recommended by the court did not go down well with some users of Twitter. Few said that the makers have set a wrong example by doing so, especially when the Central Board of Film Certification gave the film a green signal.
Well, while few may disagree with the team of Jolly LLB 2, there won’t be many who would argue with Akshay Kumar’s thoughts on the matter. It has become really common that few people take offence on few things showed in a film and approach the court.
Also read: Watch: Away from Jolly LLB 2 controversy, Akshay Kumar dances to Chura Ke Dil Mera for promotions
Despite having a designated board in the country, many fringe groups seem to be running their parallel censorship rules. And the losers in this battle turn to be the makers of the film.
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