Renowned actor-filmmaker Neeraj Vora is in a coma for the past 10 months. After suffering a heart attack followed by a brain stroke, the Phir Hera Pheri director slipped into a coma and is under constant observation in a room which was converted into an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at his friend Feroze Nadiadwala’s in Mumbai. Initially, he was admitted to Delhi-based All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) but was later shifted to Nadiadwala’s Barkat Villa.
According to reports, a ward boy, cook and a nurse have been appointed to take care of the filmmaker. Every week, a physiotherapist, an acupuncture specialist, surgeon and a physician visit him to take stock of his recovery. According to a leading entertainment portal, Vora has reportedly shown some signs of recovery. There were news reports of him responding to external stimuli and the doctors hope that he might recover soon.
The 54-year-old filmmaker was supposed to helm Hera Pheri 3 but the film has been shelved as of now. His wife passed away a few years ago and the couple had no children. Born in Bhuj district of Gujarat, Vora made his acting debut in 1984 film Holi which was directed by Ketan Mehta. Later on, he gained prominence for writing screenplays of films like Rangeela, Daud, Akele Hum Akele Tum and others. He is known for his roles in films like Company, Satya, Baadshah, Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman, Bol Bachchan and the recently released Welcome Back.
On the directorial front, Neeraj Vora helmed Phir Hera Pheri, Khiladi 420 and Run Bhola Run.
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