Seems like 2016 is a busy year for Bollywood’s queen Kangana Ranaut, as she has films like Simran and Manikarnika The Queen of Jhansi in her kitty. Recently, she stunned everyone with her first look as Rani Lakshmibai from the film. Now, the latest picture of Kangana is doing rounds on the internet. And going by the picture it looks like she is going to play a superwoman in her next film Simran. But before you guys jump into any conclusion we must tell you that she is not going to play this role for the entire movie but for a small scene.
Kangana, who has been working on the film for quite some time now, seems like having a blast on the sets of Simran and this viral picture is the proof.
Talking about the picture, wearing a superwomen costume she is seen enjoying her time with her Gujarati diction coach Suraj Vyas. According to reports, Kangana was shooting for a crazy theme party scene for the film.
Check out the picture here:
This is not the first time Kangana is seen in her superhero avatar, she has earlier essayed the role of a Mutant (Kaya) in Hrithik Roshan starrer Krrish 3.
Directed by acclaimed director Hansal Mehta, Simran will see the three-time National Award winner, portraying the role of a Gujrati 30-year old divorcee. The film also stars Rajkumar Rao.
Also Read: Check out the stunning first look of Kangana Ranaut as Rani Laxmibai from Manikarnika
On the professional front, she was last seen in Vishal Bhardwaj’s Rangoon. Despite, strong screen presence of stars like Shahid Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan and Kangana Ranaut in lead, the film failed to leave a mark at the Box-Office. The period drama was set in the 1940s amidst the turmoil of India’s Independence struggle.
Simran is scheduled to release this year.
Also Read: Kangana Ranaut talks about nepotism yet again and this time Karan Johar might agree with her
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