Shraddha Kapoor, who is all geared up for the release of her upcoming film Half Girlfriend, will next be seen in Haseena. From playing a sophisticated college girl in Half Girlfriend to portraying the character of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s sister Haseena Parkar, Shraddha has proved that she is one versatile actor we have in the industry.
After sharing her look from the film as Haseena, Shraddha has now shared another photo of her on Instagram. In the photo, the actress can be seen in both younger and older look from Haseena and it won’t be wrong to say that she has simply nailed that fierce look and has completely done justice to the character.
With kohled eyes and an intense look on her face, Shraddha has brought the character of Haseena Parker to life on-screen. It is also being said that to get into the skin of the character, Shraddha worked a lot on each and every minute detail. From watching Haseena Parkar’s videos to learn her mannerism to keeping her photos in phone gallery to perfect those expressions, Shraddha has completely gone out of her comfort zone to prepare for her role.
Celebrity makeup artist Subhash Shinde has done the prosthetics for the film and made Shraddha Kapoor look every bit like Haseena. The actress shared the photo on social media with a caption: Younger & older. Thank you Apu sir for giving me the opportunity to play this character & for holding my hand through & through. #HASEENA #ComingSoon
Helmed by Apoorva Lakhia, the film is based on the life of Dawood Ibrahim’s sister Haseena Parkar, who was hailed as the ‘Godmother’ of the crime world. In fact, Shraddha’s brother and actor Shakti Kapoor’s son Siddhant Kapoor will play her on-screen brother Dawood Ibrahim in the film. Haseena: The Queen Of Mumbai is slated to hit the screens on 14th July this year.
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