Anushka Sharma and Shah Rukh Khan were last spotted by the shutterbugs when the duo was shooting for Imtiaz Ali’s next in Punjab. The pictures of both the actors went viral on the internet like mad fire and their fans went crazy after seeing the duo together in the picturesque locations of Punjab.
Anushka and SRK shot for a song in Punjab with 200 dancers. While Anushka was wearing a beautiful Patiala suit, Shah Rukh was sporting a turban and the duo was looking super amazing together. Now, some new pictures of the actress have surfaced online from the sets fo the film and undoubtedly she is looking mind-blowing, this time in a blue kurta.
Not only Anushka Sharma, but filmmaker Imtiaz Ali was also spotted on the sets, as the cast and crew are busy shooting in Mumbai these days. While the actress happily posed for the cameras, Shah Rukh was nowhere to be seen. Well, it looks like both the actors are shooting separately as per their schedules.
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma’s film gets a third name. Will the mystery ever solve?
Helmed by Imtiaz Ali, it is one of the most-awaited films of this year and is all set to hit the screens on August 11. Interestingly, the film of the film has not been decided yet and if rumours are to be believed then after being titled as The Ring or Rahnuma, the new name that has surfaced recently is Raula.
It is Anushka and SRK third project together after Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and Jab Tak Hai Jaan. Not only this, the film also marks the first collaboration of Imtiaz and Shah Rukh. It is also being said that Shah Rukh plays the role of a Punjabi tourist guide in the film, while Anushka portrays the character of a Gujarati girl who embarks on a world tour.
Here’s a look at the on-location pictures:
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