Sunny Leone’s picture with her adopted daughter Nisha Kaur Weber has stirred a new controversy. The Star Child Protection Committee (SCPC) has taken offense over a picture of Nisha and has accused Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) for violating Juvenile Justice Act. CARA apparently made derogatory remarks about the 21-month-old baby, commenting on the child’s skin color and appearance, which were the reason behind SCPC’s objection. Apparently, CARA uploaded a picture of the baby on August 4 and made remarks on her.
A former member of State Child Protection Committee has raised the issue and has sought an inquiry report from Central Women and Child Development Secretary. Sunny Leone and her husband Daniel Weber had applied for adoption in 2016 and they brought the child home in July this year.
Talking about the decision to adopt, Sunny had said, “I don’t know about everybody else, but for us, it didn’t matter even for a second whether it was our child or she not being our biological child. For us, it was about starting a family and I might not [have a biological child] because of our schedules and so many other things but we both thought, ‘why don’t we just adopt’?”
She had added, “We have read up and consulted our friends about how to cope with her at this stage, and we have accepted that it’s going to take her some time to adjust in this new environment”
Weeks later when Sunny was questioned about how she felt about motherhood, she said, “It is the best feeling in the entire world. Daniel and I are hands-on parents. I love the idea of being there when she wakes up, and be the last person she sees before she goes to sleep at night.”
Also read: Sunny Leone’s take on motherhood and why she chose adoption will make you respect her more
Now that Nisha’s picture has stirred a controversy we wonder what Sunny has to say about it.
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